Faculty Steering Committee
The Faculty Steering Committee (FSC) serves in an advisory capacity to the directors and staff of the Haas Center for Public Service. FSC meets quarterly for program-based informational briefings and to advise the directors and staff regarding the strength and focus of academic-service connections.
The FSC first formed in the mid-1980s to discuss a wide range of community and public service-related issues. As a group and as individuals, committee members encouraged other faculty to become involved with the center and to offer opportunities for their students to combine experiential service activities with courses and research. The FSC agenda includes evaluation of programs, linking public service to academics, the advisability of new programs, and methods of outreach to other faculty.
Faculty Steering Committee
- Samer Al-Saber (Theater and Performance Studies)
- Patrick Archie (Stanford Educational Farm)
- Nicole Ardoin (Doerr School of Sustainability)
- Bruce Cain (Political Science)
- Larry Diamond, '74, MA '78, PhD '80 (Sociology and Political Science/Hoover Institution/FSI)
- Rodolfo Dirzo (Biology/Doerr School of Sustainability)
- Dan Edelstein (French)
- Scott Fendorf (Earth System Science)
- Chris Field (Earth System Science)
- James Fishkin (Communications)
- Antero Godina Garcia (Graduate School of Education)
- Lisa Goldman-Rosas (Medicine)
- Luci Herman (Law)
- Michael Kahan (Program on Urban Studies/Sociology)
- Riitta Katila (Management Science and Engineering)
- Jim Leape (Center for Ocean Solutions)
- Larry Marshall (Law)
- Tom Mullaney (History)
- Julia Novy (Change Leadership for Sustainability Program/SE3)
- Amado Padilla (Graduate School of Education)
- Grant Parker (Classics)
- Katherine A. Preston (Program in Human Biology)
- Jonathan Rosa (Graduate School of Education)
- Greg Rosston, MA '89, PhD '94 (Public Policy Program)
- Matt Snipp (Sociology)
- Jenny Suckale (Geophysics & Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering)
- Ron Tyler (Law)
- Ross Venook, '00, MS '02, PhD '06 (Bioengineering)
- Jeremy Weinstein (Political Science)
- Keith Winstein (Computer Science)
University Liaisons
- Preeti Hehmeyer (Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR))
- Shari Palmer, '90 (Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education)
- Anjana Richards (Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability)
- Tiffany Steinwert (Office for Religious & Spiritual Life)
- Megan Swezey Fogarty, '86 (Office of Community Engagement)
- Joanne Tien (Vice Provost for Graduate Education)