Ravenswood Reads Families

Welcome, families! You'll find resources below to help your child in the Ravenswood Reads program.
Ravenswood Reads is a service-learning program in which Stanford students tutor children in Kindergarten through third grade in reading and language acquisition.
Want to learn more about literacy?
As a parent or guardian, you can do a lot at home to help your child learn to read! You can start by with these easy-to-read explanations on topics such as:
- What is reading?
- What is phonics?
- What is fluency?
- What is phonological awareness?
- Tips for improving comprehension
- Tips for families of children learning remotely
- A literacy skills checklist for individualized recommendations
- Tips for Supporting Reading Skills at Home from the Institute of Education Sciences
If you want to learn more about supporting your child’s literacy, the National Center on Improving Literacy contains a wealth of helpful resources.
Free educational games and content
- The Free Reading Program: Comprehensive reading program including sequenced, interactive activities.
- Reading Bear: High-quality phonics activities.
- ABCya: Language games by grade or subject.
- Starfall: More games by grade or subject.
- ReadWriteThink: Extensive classroom resources for teaching language.
- The Balanced Literacy Diet: Lessons targeting specific aspects of reading by grade level under “Recipe Finder” tab.
- University of Florida Literacy Institute: Activities/games to teach phonics and phonemic awareness to young children.
- Khan Academy Kids: An free downloadable game app to help very young children practice reading and math skills
Free resources from education experts
- Florida Center for Reading Research
- Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- Shanahan on Literacy: Compiled by the literacy expert and researcher Tim Shanahan
Para Padres y Familias
¿Quiere aprender más sobre la lectura? Puede empezar con estos recursos:
- La lectoescritura en el hogar Lista de verificación
- Sea un ejemplo a seguir en la lectura
- La lectura es un proceso: estrategias para usar antes, durante y después de la lectura
Descubre más recursos aquí.
Contact Renee Scott, Program Director, Early Education