Cardinal Service
Cardinal Service, administered by the Haas Center for Public Service, is a university-wide effort to make public service and civic engagement essential features of a Stanford education. From the moment you arrive on campus, you can find opportunities to serve locally, nationally, and around the world.
EXPLORE ways to make a difference. If you’re new to service, short on time, or don’t know where to start, drop into the Haas Center for guidance from staff or a peer advisor. Sign up for the weekly Cardinal Service newsletter to find out about events and opportunities. New admits can apply for Ignite, a pre-orientation service experience.
ENGAGE with a nonprofit organization or government agency for summer work, sign up to tutor and mentor local youth, or make a regular commitment to volunteer in your community. Apply for Cardinal Quarter to participate in one of more than 500 full-time, quarter-long public service opportunities. Take one of more than 150 Cardinal Courses, classes that integrate academic learning with service experiences.
LEAD the effort to advance service at Stanford. Help your fellow students get involved in service opportunities as a peer advisor or Issue Area Coordinator, get leadership coaching and training in community organizing, or chair a student service organization.
LAUNCH your public service career. Receive support from Cardinal Careers advisors to explore public service careers and integrate service into any career. Take advantage of high-impact recruiting and networking events, online resources to find internship and career opportunities, tailored career coaching and advising, access to prestigious national scholarships, and connections to alumni.

Cardinal Quarter
Build knowledge, skills, and networks while making meaningful contributions to communities locally, nationally, and across the globe.
Cardinal Quarter offers you the opportunity to participate in a full-time, quarter-long, funded public service experience designed to integrate your academic learning with field-based experience. You can pursue prearranged placements or self-designed opportunities in both domestic and international settings. Nearly 500 opportunities are offered each year through more than 30 campus partners involved in the Cardinal Quarter initiative.
Visit Cardinal Quarter on the Cardinal Service website
Cardinal Commitment
Cardinal Commitment supports and honors students’ individual sustained public service.
Making a Cardinal Commitment means engaging with a community to address a problem or need for at least three quarters while you’re at Stanford. You’ll develop a personal mission statement describing your commitment, receive advice and guidance from a mentor or supervisor, and spend some time documenting and reflecting on your service experience.
Make a Cardinal Commitment—develop your civic identity, learn public service skills, and see the impact sustained public service can have on a community, an issue, and you!
Visit Cardinal Commitment on the Cardinal Service website