HSSI Stanford Students
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Interested in working with high school students?
Want to get off campus, outside the Stanford bubble?
Care about education equity and learning about what that looks like in local schools and communities?
We are recruiting in for our High School Support Initiative academic year tutoring and mentoring program.
Expectations of HSSI Tutor-Mentors
- Multi-quarter commitment: One quarter is not enough time to get to know students and the context. So we ask for a multi-quarter commitment to enable relationships to build and for learning to happen.
- Participation in required activities: You will learn about the following through the required orientation and training:
- community context of the local area
- tips on working with high school youth
- asset-based and student-centered approach
- cultural humility and education equity
- Principles of Ethical and Effective Service – a cornerstone framework for public service at the Haas Center
- logistics and expectations for program volunteers
- Weekly learning session– a weekly learning session for discussion and deeper learning on issues related to the service you are doing each week. These are led by the HSSI Fellows who are students trained as leaders for the program.
- Mid-quarter check in with HSSI program staff – short check in sessions, one-on-one, to reflect and share feedback
- End of quarter reflection session – time to come together with other volunteers to reflect on the quarter of service and share feedback for program improvement
- Commitment to assigned placement – weekly, once or twice a week
- Positive attitude and initiative to work with students where they are at
- If you are eligible for work-study, you can participate with HSSI through Community Service Work Study. This requires filling out some paperwork and then filling out a weekly electronic time sheet.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who are the youth I’ll be working with?
At each of the schools, we partner with a program that serves youth from local communities whose educational experiences would benefit from our support. You will learn more about the community context in the pre-service training that is required for all HSSI tutor-mentors. - Which schools does HSSI work with and what are the types of activities I would be doing as an HSSI tutor-mentor?
View the list of the school partners and a description of the placements. - When tutoring is in-person, how will I get to my school placement?
The Haas Center has mini-vans and a Zipcar and Uber account. Volunteers who have driver’s licenses are asked to drive and carpool other volunteers who are going to placements on the same day. A short orientation and paperwork are required to be an authorized driver for Haas Center programs. - What if I can't serve for more than one quarter in a school year?
We encourage you to come back next school year when you might have more time in your schedule to make a multi-quarter commitment. If you are interested in learning more, we welcome you to set up an informational interview with any of our program team. - Will I get a chance to do one on one tutoring or mentoring?
Our placements are not set up for this kind of relationship. However, over time, you may develop a closer relationship with one student at your placement. If that happens, there may be the option to do one-on-one support as long as it is coordinated with the HSSI program team and the school site supervisor.
Quotes from former participants